Well for those that have visited before I said I'd update this site, mind you how you got here beats me, after problems being found by Google my site can only be discovered by limiting the search to UK only.

Latest stuff.  I've been researching my family tree for a couple of years now, if you've tried this you'll know how time consuming it can be.  I've managed to get back to about the 1530's, Henry VIII was king and so far no real skeletons in the cupboard?

I dread to think how long this took before the days of the internet which speeds searching and enables you to investigate at any time of night or day.  Even so there's still a lot of legwork and waiting for copies of Certificates to arrive.  I'm not sure if it's a good thing but I seem to be spending a fair amount of time at cemetries as well.

For those that have cheked my photo's out there mainly local to the Island and the one at the top of each page is of Carisbrooke Castle as seen from the South side.

Now most of you that have found this website already know me and by chance typed my name into Google.  Well if you're interested in what I'm doing or where I've been take a look at my online photos at: http//picasaweb.google.co.uk/stevesheath.  Dont get too excited though there's nothing I wouldn't want my Mum to see!

Keep watching, I'm hoping to upload my family tree at some stage.