So not content with my home page you've been mad enough to try more stuff.  Well for me this was about building and publishing a site however poor, and it will get better?

I built this original site using a programme, but it is quite restrictive so will have another play around and eventually try and get it better. I do spend too long on my computer and the internet in general but I suppose it's another hobby.

Right so what's missing and what might you find if you come back? Well as I said this is my first go at building a website and I'm going to try again and make it better. More photo's more information and you never know something of interest to you. I'd guess if you've found this you probably know me, after all why else would you be looking for my name on the net?

I don't think I'll put too much about myself as that seems a little pointless. I would like to put a photo of myself but am not brave enough to do that so anyway back to the drawing board and try harder.

I've arranged some photos and keep trying different ways of presenting them they should be below, there from a trip to Fuerteventura that I took in June 05, as you can see I'm not in them. I did manage 2 trips abroad this year I went to Croatia in June and Fuerteventure in September. I'm already looking for my first trip in January 2007, so watch this space.

If you so wish there's even a Contact mebit, and yes I have tested it and it works.